1. The First Step

There was absolutely no glory in the first run. I started it around 6 pm and it took me about 45 minutes. However, the preparations began a few days earlier. And so did my anxiety :) I didn't have any special equipment for running but, at the second glance, what do you really need? Shoes - check, I took the tennis ones. Some breathable clothes - check, again from tennis. Music - very important - plenty on the phone, and my music bandwidth is limited anyway, so - check! Running plan - well, there were a few options, but in principle it was run one minute and walk another one, for as long as you can. My wife behaved admirably by smiling and encouraging me every single time I mentioned the race. And she was not short on such occasions, for I was going on endlessly in the morning, at lunch, and with several other occasions when we had a break from work and a coffee together. In the end, she did what...