7. Prophet in Your Own Land

With Luxembourg's experience came the great hope that maybe, just maybe, running might not be that too far a bridge. However, the proof of the pudding is in the eating. Besides, I don’t know how others operate, but for me it’s like this: it only counts if I manage to run the very same route on which I spat my lungs two months ago. It’s not only the number of km, it has to be the same terrain as well. Back to the Netherlands, the sport agenda went on normally during the week: tennis, biking and, because the summer was in bloom, beer. Generally after exercising, just to keep the calories balance in place. When the weekend came, I was ready to try. Shoes on, music on and off I went, back on the trail that I had abandoned two months ago. I noticed that biking had improved my legs. Good, one less thing to worry about, I thought. Or would it be one fewer thing to worry about? With this small dilemma in mind and the pragmatic expla...