11. The Name is Race. First Race

As much as enjoyable running alone might be, there comes a moment when you hope you’ll get to do it with others as well. To get to know people, so to speak. The year of the pandemic (at the moment of writing this it has already been promoted to the first year of the pandemic) cut many chances of participating in any contests, but not all of them. Large events with thousands of people - like Eindhoven’s marathon for instance - were simply off the table but some smaller ones went on. Such an event was the High Tech Campus run . A few words about the campus, for those not that familiar with it (if you want to know more, the internet does wonders): It was founded by Philips a bit more than 20 years ago and it’s home (or side residence at least) to a few high tech companies, which is most probably the reason that they call it “the smartest square kilometre of Europe”. Not sure if it’s true, but certainly it’s very likely. N...